Can You Take Too Much Monolaurin?
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Dosing Considerations
Many people ask, what is the safe dosage for monolaurin? Here we explore some dosing considerations for monolaurin as a dietary supplement. As with any dietary supplement, monolaurin should be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional, and the views expressed in this article are not the views of a doctor, are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to be prescriptive or a substitute for medical advise.
How much monolaurin should I take?
The amount of monolaurin an individual may need to take before seeing a positive response will depend on a number of factors including age, weight, type of infection, and general sensitivity to supplements. Some people see a benefit from a single 600mg capsule per day, while others may take upwards of 3-5 grams. The type of immune challenge an individual may be facing (bacterial, viral, microbial, etc) may also impact the amount of monolaurin they choose to take. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing until positive effects are realized is the recommended dosing protocol.
Is monolaurin safe at high doses?
Monolaurin may be taken at high levels for short periods of time. Some literature goes as far as suggesting a dosage of 3-9 grams per day is needed, which equates to upwards of 15 capsules (Ref #1). While this may not be necessary or common, it should not be harmful. It is not recommend to take these elevated doses for extended periods of time. Everything should be in moderation.
Is there a maximum dosage of monolaurin?
According to available literature sources, there is no defined upper limit of monolaurin. Monolaurin is found naturally in coconut and palm oil, which has been used in personal and commercial food preparation and production. Monolaurin has been approved as "Generally Regarded As Safe" by the FDA (Ref #2), stating "In accordance with 184.1(b)(1), the ingredient is used in food with no limitation other than current good manufacturing practice. The affirmation of this ingredient as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as a direct human food ingredient…" However, the FDA does not elaborate on any daily maximums. It is not recommend to exceed 6-9 grams / day for any length of time.
What is the safe dosage for monolaurin?
A safe dosage is one which you are comfortable with. You should not take so much monolaurin that you feel physically unwell or experience a Herxheimer reaction (as detailed in the article “Monolaurin Die Off Symptoms - the Herxheimer (Herx) Reaction”) . If you feel any unwanted side effects from monolaurin, immediately discontinue use of the product and consult a healthcare professional.
Should I take monolaurin with or without food?
You can take monolaurin with or without food and with any liquid, without impact to efficacy or absorption. You can take monolaurin on an empty stomach, however those with sensitive stomachs should take monolaurin with food as the supplement has a natural "soapy" taste which may be unpleasant to some.
Can you overdose on monolaurin?
You should not take so much monolaurin that you feel unwell (upset stomach, diarrhea, headache, etc.). Monolaurin can be taken at modest levels (around 3 grams/ day) with little or no side effects, but caution should be exercised when doses exceed 6 grams / day. A staged, gradual increase of monolaurin until benefits are realized can be an effective approach. If a change in state is not realized even at 6-9 grams, you should consult a healthcare professional before increasing dosage.
How long can you take monolaurin?
Monolaurin is listed on the FDA’s “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) list [Ref #2], which suggests it may be safe to be taken over time. Furthermore, monolaurin is used in commercial food production as well as an additive in animal feed which suggests it is used on a daily basis for some populations.
Comprehensive Dosage Guide:
Additional detailed information on the recommended dosage of monolaurin based on various inputs and ailments is available on the dedicated Dosing Guide.
Shop Monolaurin:
Looking to try monolaurin? Consider some of the products located on this external site: Shop Monolaurin.
Kabara JJ. Pharmacological effects of coconut oil vs. monoglycerides. Inform June 2005; Volume 16 p386-7.
FDA : 21CFR184.1505 ;