Breast Milk and Monolaurin
Breastfeeding, Lauric Acid, and Monolaurin
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Breast Milk &
Lauric Acid – the Foundation of Monolaurin
Monolaurin is made from Lauric Acid – either when combined with glycerol to form a product for food production or supplements, or when ingested in the body from a source like palm kernel or coconut oil.
Lauric acid occurs naturally in coconut and palm kernel oil (approximately 49% of coconut oil 48% of palm kernel oil), making these oils a great source for producing monolaurin. Lean all about the process in the Essential Guide to Monolaurin.
Human breast milk is on average 6.2% lauric acid, and breastfeeding provides infants their first introduction to monolaurin.
Beyond Nutrition – Immune benefits of Breast Milk and Lauric Acid
Breastfeeding provides infants with nutrients for growth and development as well as immune protection to compensate for the immature and inexperienced defense mechanisms at mucosal surfaces [Ref #10]. Breast milk not only provides excellent nutritional value, it also plays a very important role in protecting and supporting the immune function of infants though its healthy fat content [Ref #12].
Breast milk is a source of immunoglobulins which play an important role in protecting mucosal surfaces from infection. [Ref #13] Infants who are breastfed have been found to have:
Lower incidence of gastrointestinal infections compared to infants fed formula or cow’s milk [Ref # 14]
Lower incidences of infection in low birthweight infants compared to infants fed formula [Ref #15]
Better protective factors which in the initial defense against infection [Ref #16]
Human Breast Milk Studies
There are numerous studies on monolaurin and lauric acid as a derivative of coconut oil. However, the following studies explicitly explore the potential antibacterial and antimicrobial benefits of monolaurin from breast milk and associated breastfeeding.
Gastroenteritis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli
Human breast milk was tested against two formula feeds in a study involving low birthweight infants. The breast milk showed antiviral and antibacterial properties against enveloped viruses and killed both Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli in the stomach of the infant. [Ref #18]
“Human milk and two infant formula feeds were tested for antiviral and antibacterial activity before being given to 21 low birthweight (LBW) infants; neither was present. When samples were aspirated from the stomachs of the infants within one to three hours of feeding, however, they reduced titres of enveloped virus and also killed both Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli… The antiviral and antibacterial activities of the gastric aspirates seem to result from intragastric production of monoglycerides and fatty acids from the triglyceride content of the ingested feeds.” [Ref #18]
Amoebozoa infections (amoebiasis)
A study demonstrated the ability of human milk proteins such as apo-lactoferrin, sIgA and lysozyme were able to kill Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites, stressing the importance of feeding breast milk to newborns. [Ref #17]
“Apo-lactoferrin showed the major amoebicidal effect. These proteins, either alone or in combination, showed a killing effect on the trophozoites. They bound to the amoebic membrane causing cell rounding, lipid disruption and damage.
Milk proteins such as apo-lactoferrin, sIgA and lysozyme are able to kill Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites. This study confirms the importance of feeding breast milk to newborns.” [Ref #17]
Viral infections including Poxvirus and Vaccinia Virus
A study from the University of Cape Town explored the antiviral properties of human breast milk and demonstrated breast milk provided protection against microbes, viruses and toxins thus reducing the incidence of diarrhea, respiratory diseases, and otitis media. Specifically, the studies showed the efficacy of breast milk to inhibit poxvirus and vaccinia virus in the lab. [Ref #21]
“It was shown that this breast milk mucin inhibits poxvirus activity by 100% using an inhibition assay with a viral concentration of 2.4 million plaque-forming units/ml. As the milk mucin seems to aggregate poxviruses prior to their entry into host cells, it is possible that this mucin may also inhibit other enveloped viruses such as HIV from entry into host cells.” [Ref #21]
Allergic / Atopic Disease
As observed through select studies, breastfeeding during the first months after birth seems to protect the infant against Allergic Disease, including atopic eczema [Ref #6], allergic rhinitis [Ref #7], asthma [Ref #8], and food allergies [Ref #9].
“Exclusive breast-feeding during the first 3 months of life is associated with lower incidence rates of atopic dermatitis during childhood in children with a family history of atopy… Breast-feeding should be strongly recommended to mothers of infants with a family history of atopy, as a possible means of preventing atopic eczema.” [Ref #6]
“Exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 months after birth protects against allergic rhinitis in children, both with and without a family history of atopy. The protective association, although of borderline statistical significance, was substantial.” [Ref #7]
“Exclusive breast-feeding during the first months after birth is associated with lower asthma rates during childhood. The effect, caused by immunomodulatory qualities of breast milk, avoidance of allergens, or a combination of these and other factors, strengthens the advantage of breast-feeding, especially if a family history of atopy is present.” [Ref #8]
Lauric Acid (Monolaurin) Levels in Breast Milk
Lauric acid levels in breast milk can vary. Many factors may contribute to higher or lower lauric acid detected in breast milk, which may include:
Age: Mothers younger than 30 years old had higher levels of lauric acid detected in their breast milk compared to older mothers [Ref #2]
Diet: A high-carbohydrate diet could contribute to higher levels of lauric acid in breast milk [3, 19]. A low-fat diet may also contribute to higher levels of lauric acid [Ref #5]
Nationality or Ethnicity: In a study of 50 breast milk samples from women in nine different countries, women from The Philippines had almost twice the amount of lauric acid present in their breast milk compared to women from Australia, Canada, China, Chile, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, or the United States [Ref #4]
Supplementation of fatty acids: Eating oils high in lauric acid (like coconut oil) has been shown to increase the presence of that acid in breast milk within 6 hours of consuming and remain elevated for 10-24 hours [Ref #11]. Eating 40 grams (about 3 tablespoons) of coconut oil has been shown to increase lauric acid in the milk of a nursing mother from 3.9% to 9.6% after 14 hours. [Ref #11]
Delivery: Levels of lauric acid and other acids including myristic, alpha-linolenic, arachidonic, and eicosapentaenoic acid were significantly lower in women who had caesarean deliveries versus vaginal deliveries [Ref #20]
Monolaurin and Breastfeeding
Available published research did not indicate if monolaurin supplementation was recommended or approved during nursing and breastfeeding. However, various studies looked at the levels of fatty acids in breast milk including lauric acid – the acid which forms monolaurin.
One study looked at the consumption of different oils (including coconut oil) and the effect on the presence of lauric acid in breast milk [Ref #11]. The mothers were given a formula containing coconut oil and the results were observed suggesting there is a direct correlation with the oil consumed and the presence in breast milk a few hours later.
“Ingestion of the formula containing 40 g coconut oil increased the milk content of lauric acid over time (P < 0.001). Lauric acid increased from 3.9% of fatty acids at baseline to 9.2% at 10 hours and 9.6% at 14 hours”
Because lauric acid is converted to monolaurin in the small intestine, and because monolaurin has been researched for potential antibacterial and antiviral properties, some assumptions might be made about the benefits of ingestion via breast milk or breastfeeding.
One study explores the suggestion of replacing cow milk fats with vegetable fats (such as those from coconut oil) in baby formula due to the ability of medium chain fatty acids to inactivate various bacteria and viruses in studies. [Ref #1]
“Monoacylglycerols (MAGs) rich in monolaurin synthesized from coconut oil have also been shown to have antimicrobial activity against the dairy pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, in vitro. Coconut oil–derived MAGs have been found to be more listericidal than monolaurin itself, and more listericidal than bovine milk fat–derived MAGs. The aspirated stomach contents from infants fed formulas containing mixtures of bovine milk fat, medium-chain TAGs, corn oil, and coconut oil have been found to reduce titers of enveloped virus and to kill Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli.” [Ref #1]
Additional studies are required to fully understand the impact, efficacy, and safety of utilizing coconut oil or monolaurin during breastfeeding of infants.
Breastfeeding provides many benefits to the developing infant including nutrition and immune support via its natural fat content. Lauric acid which is naturally present in breast milk metabolizes into monolaurin, and has been studied for its various health benefits across scientific literature. Lauric acid levels in breast milk vary and may be influenced by factors within and outside the control of the nursing mother such as diet and ethnicity.
Additional research is required to assess the therapeutic benefits of altering lauric acid levels in breast milk, and if there is an effect on a nursing infant. Given the absence of these studies, a recommendation to use monolaurin or lauric acid modifying supplements (like coconut oil) during nursing cannot be provided. As with all supplements, monolaurin (and in this case coconut oil) should be taken under the supervision of a medical professional.
Shop Monolaurin
Looking to try monolaurin? Consider some of the products located on this external site: Shop Monolaurin.
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